Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Daily Motivation 
I'm a believer. A dreamer. So when something happens in my life, I always know there's a reason behind it. When people left me I knew they had changed & weren't the same people I met so learned to let go. I've lost count of many things have gone wrong in my life, I know that is because I can appreciate my life & everything that I have when its right. I often believe lies so that I can learn to trust no one but myself. That for me was a major learning point because I can ask for advise from all those around me. But at the end of the day I learned to make choices & decisions myself. Learned to trust myself more. A lot has apart in my life, I've hit bottom rock & on the verge of giving up. Slowly I learned that good things fell apart for me from time to time so that better things can fall together! 
Be a believer, know that everything happens for a reasons. Yet, don't always look for one ❤

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Never forget...

Interview day...
Looking for jobs is a headache, I've been trying since beginning of this year. Today I had another interview. I've never liked video calling, so doing a video was uncomfortable for as I felt self-conscious. Fortunately it went well 😀😀

Daily Motivation
I have met so many people over the years. Those who I'm still friends with today, those who used me & those who bullied me. Each person I met over the years taught me a lesson. My experience with each individual made me stronger & able to stand up for myself in the end. 
Despite everyone I've met I'll never forget the 3 types of people in my life; those who helped me in my difficult times are my best friends who have been by my side through thick & thin, been my rock. My friends are not the only ones who helped me, I also had incredible support from teachers past & present. Every teacher I met believed in me, supported me & guided me through my difficult times. I also met those who left me in my difficult times, abandoned me when I needed them the most. In those times I lost trust in people around me. It has taken me a while to regain trust in others, yet I'm still wary. Not forgetting those who put me in those difficult times. The bullies, the ones who called me names & discriminated me. I may still have the scars they left, but they taught me how to stand up for myself & to never to let them win! I have & continue to meet all kinds of people. Nevertheless I am respectful & kind to everyone I interact with. No matter what they think of me. I'll always be respectful & show kindness ❤ 
You will meet countless people in your life. Some will be friendly, some will use you & others may bully you. You should always be wary of those you meet. But never fail to be kind & respectful! ❤

Monday, September 28, 2020

Hope, Belief & Courage

Recovering from illness always takes a while for me. Thankfully I'm feeling a lot better than last week which I spent in bed & spent applying for jobs...Hopefully I get some responses. My huge thank you goes out to my friends for cheering me up last week. You are all incredible ❤ 

Daily Motivation 
Hope, belief & courage are important to me. On countless occasions I held onto hope when everything seemed to be failing, when I couldn't find the courage to carry on or thought there was no point. But I held onto hope, knowing that the difficult times won't last forever. Whilst holding onto hope, I find courage to keep going even though I really want to give up, having that courage gives me the belief that I will be able to overcome all the obstacles I face or have faced because hope is wishing something would happen. Faith is believing something will happen & courage is making something happen! In all my years in education life thrown many obstacles my way, but I have & continue overcome each of them with hope, belief & courage. All these aspects together make me a stronger person!
You go through life facing many challenges & obstacles. There often comes a time when you've lost the strength to keep going & when that happens. Hold onto hope, have faith & the courage to overcome any obstacle or challenge! 

Monday, September 21, 2020

Best Friends!



Anxiety.... Something which is difficult for me to control, especially these days. It's not easy & there's only so many distractions I can find at home. I'm more of an outdoor person, so staying at home is not for me...Slow adjustments. At least I found various ways to control my anxiety, a breathing technique helps. Try it, makes all the difference

Daily Motivation 

For years I was target of bullying, never really having real friends. Finding it extremely difficult to connect to others my age. Funnily enough during my time at secondary school I preferred to be around teachers than my own classmates. Strange right? But I felt safe with them I guess. It was either that or I'd hide in the library throughout my 5 years at school. Gradually, I learned to connect with people. At the end of my time at secondary school I made one true friend, whom today I see as my best friend, my sister. Flash-forward to college & I met two other incredible, special, amazing friends who today are my best friends. Those three girls have seen me at my best & at my worst. Yet, they never left my side. They loved me for who I am, a loud, crazy & often childish person. When I'm with my best friends I'm free to be myself without having the fear of being judged. Those three taught me to be myself, to love & most importantly to not let others judgement change who I am. Each of the girls have changed my life & have seen me through my darkest side, yet never left my side! My best friends made the good times better filled with laughter & jokes. They also made the hard times easier by listening to me, lending me a shoulder to cry & most importantly by reminding me of how far I've gotten! I never have or will take my friends for granted. I'll them support whenever they need it, offer advice, go on outings & make memories that last forever! Thank you girls for giving me a chance to be me & for putting up with me! 😂😘💜
People come & go in your life, but your best friends will never dessert you! They become family 



What a weekend! 

This weekend certainly has been a long one, even in lockdown! Especially with my anxiety increasing again & getting lack of sleep...Although I did enjoy reliving my childhood through Disney! That was fun! What's your favourite Disney memory?

Daily Motivation

Friendship has been important to me, so important...Maybe that's because ever since a child I struggled to make friends. To connect with children my age. Everywhere I went, I felt like an outsider & it does get a bit depressing after a while. My journey of friendship started at the start of secondary school where I met a classmate whom I'm still friends with, whom I'm blessed to call a sister. She's been rock through thick & thin. Since meeting her I realised the true meaning of friendship. I suppose you could say she was my first friend, but when I started college I met some amazing, phenomenal friends whom I'm close to today. I believe that true friends won't grow apart even if we don't talk everyday! I love my three best friends. They're my sisters in every way but blood! I had so many people come into my all throughout my years in education, but those three girls now phenomenal women will always have a special place in my heart. They have been by side through thick & thin. Those girls pulled me out of the darkest my times. I'm blessed to have them in life! 💕💕 
Along with family, friends are the most important people in your life. Remember just because you're miles apart or don't speak everyday doesn't mean you won't be true friends. Because true friends are the rarest of gems 💜💜


Saturday, September 19, 2020

Rough Days...

Weekend Fun or laziness

Thank goodness the week is over! Felt like the longest week ever, I hate being sick... At least a read a phenomenal book & learned a few things. It was interesting & I would recommend it, its called The Secret Teacher

Daily Motivation 

Rough mornings are part of me (most of the time). Over the years my health has become unpredictable which also impacts my mental health too. So, there are days when I have roughs morning or don't feel like getting out of bed. On those days I place my hand over my heart & feel it. I realise I have purpose & won't give up! That I'm alive for a reason! I may have rough mornings but I give myself a choice either to let my mental health control me or I overcome my fears & get on with the day. I always try for the option. Giving up is not in my books & never will be! 
You're allowed to have rough mornings, but you also have a choice. Either let that ruin your whole day or choose to focus on your purpose, goals & dreams! 

Monday, September 14, 2020

Magic & Belief!


New week, same madness! 

Nothing ever changes with my weekly routine even in lockdown! Ah well. I realised something, if you're travelling & can't find your way around using a map...Always look for signs, they're much easier to understand! 

Daily Motivation

Self-belief is what I often lack in as well as self-confidence. As more of a quiet & shy person I never fully realised my potential till I started college & even now there are still times when I doubt myself. Doubt my abilities & potential to reach my dream. That self-belief & confidence doesn't only lack academically but also personally too especially when socialising with new people, when looking for jobs & so on...I guess the biggest reason for all those doubts is comparison. I continue to compare myself to others, which I know I shouldn't! I am happy with being me, beautiful, unique & have a happy go personality. Have achieved more than I could possibly imagine despite everything I faced & continue to face! Magic is believing in myself! If I can do that, I can make anything happen! 

Believe in yourself, your own abilities & be confident in who are you because are unique! 

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Lockdown Madness & New ideas... Daily Motivation


Lockdown Madness!! 

Ah. What a year 2020 has been & it's only September... Honestly I never imagined anything like this. This whole pandemic experience has been life changing as well as mentally & emotionally challenging! I've been in lockdown since mid-March & it has been one of toughest experience ever. As more of an outdoor & adventurous person to have my routine changed all of sudden was difficult to handle. Everyday I'd try & find something new to do (didn't really learn anything new). But I did start re-reading the Harry Potter series & finished reading some of my many books. Productive (I think) 

Lockdown has been the toughest on my mental & emotional health. Yes, Physically I've been more or less healthy. But I suffered more with my mental & emotional health. Having breakdowns every other week in the beginning of lockdown, panic & anxiety attacks halfway through. There was more than one time that I wanted to give up on everything. Unfortunately because how I was suffering with my mental & emotional health I was once again unable to submit my final assignments. Thought I could do them for summer assessment period. For the first time even that was impossible. So now I've deferred my studies for another few months. Damn! I was so close to graduate this year...But I learned a valid lesson, I could've given up throughout all those time that I wanted to, but I never did because I got the help I needed, reached out to family & friends. learned that it's okay to not be okay. Having an incredible support system from my therapist, family, friends & professors from university gave me the courage to keep going. During the lockdown having that kind of contact is so so important. Reach out to your loved ones or friends, let them know they're not alone. That is why I never gave up, because I had & continue to have such support & belief from all those around me. I found my courage again. 

I'm still dealing with mental & emotional health issues, but I'm so thankful that I'm no longer in that dark place, I know I have people I can reach out to. Remember so do you!

Daily Motivation

So, I have this new idea. Firstly I will be posting everyday, mostly in evenings & secondly I want to use this platform to inspire & motivate people in hopes of making a difference. How am going to do that? Well, I'm obsessed with quotes & sayings. Each day I'll upload one with my own interpretation of it... Here's an example 

Since I was born I have faced so many unimaginable challenges, most of which I would never wish for anyone to face. From constant hospital visits, operations to new diagnosis every time. Over the years it had a massive massive impact on my mental health as well as emotional & I never realised till halfway through college. That was when I opened my eyes & told myself that I faced so much including bullying & discrimination, yet I am still here today because I am stronger than I think! I am strong, despite all that I go through I see it as an opportunity to be stronger than yesterday! 💜

Remember life can whatever it wants at you! But you are stronger than you think & can face anything! 💜

Let me know what you all think & obviously I'll try to write more than that!...😊😊